We hope the following information will help you determine if Body Contouring is right for you!


Why does it have so many names?

This treatment goes by many names including Body Contouring, Body Sculpting, Lipo Cavitation, etc. The procedure itself is technically called Ultrasonic Cavitation and is FDA-approved. 

When it comes to non-invasive, non-surgical procedures for reducing fat, you’ve probably found that you have a variety of options available today. Ultrasonic Cavitation is one of the most popular worldwide.

How does Ultrasonic Cavitation work?

Using Ultrasound technology, our Licensed Esthetician / Body Contouring Specialist carefully targets the fat cells beneath the skin.

A controlled amount of ultrasound waves pass through the skin to reach the adipose tissue. The ultrasound field creates small bubbles in the subcutaneous fat tissue. As a result, fat cell membranes break down, while sparing the vascular, nervous, and muscular tissue.

Simply put, it uses low-frequency ultrasound waves to break down fat cells and successfully reduce body fat, providing longer lasting results.

The result is a reduction in the circumference of the treated area because of the decrease in fat thickness. This vibration process and heating afterwards happens in the layers of fat deposits below the skin surface. The heat and vibration eventually cause the fat cells to liquefy and release their contents into the lymphatic system. 


What happens to the fat cells?

They are metabolized by the body and disposed of naturally. Consequently, fat bulges are reduced, resulting in a more sculpted and shapely body.

Does it hurt?

Some clients may say it tingles, but it is generally painless and any discomfort quickly passes.

What are target areas?

Body fat can be reduced permanently without undergoing surgery. A variety of body parts can be sculpted and re-contoured, including:

  • Chin
  • Upper arms
  • Abdomen
  • Buttocks
  • Inner & Outer Thighs
  • Love handles
  • Back Fat
  • Bra bulges


How long is the treatment time and how many sessions?

Depending on what areas of the body, normally it is 45-60 minutes and includes RF (Radio Frequency) treatment. We suggest 1-2 treatments weekly, 72 hours apart or more to allow the body to recover. A total of 9 to 12 treatments is recommended.

Some clients see results within 6 weeks, but we suggest 9-12 weeks for best results. This is to give your body the time in needs to naturally flush out the fat cells. The body will continue to flush out these cells for up to six months, so you will see improved results even after you finish treatments.

What is RF (Radio Frequency) and what does it do?

  • Improved appearance of skin.
  • Tightens connective tissue.
  • Tightens sagging or loose skin.
  • Reduces fat accumulation under dermis.
  • Cellulite reduction and skin contouring.
  • Improves skin tone.
  • Promotes collagen and elastin production.

Pre and Post Instruction:

To ensure the best results with this treatment we suggest that you follow the aftercare recommendations:

  • Drink plenty of water before and immediately after treatment, as well as days to follow. Soft drinks, juice, coffee, and tea do not count).
  • You should not eat 2 hours before and 1 hour after treatment.
  • Do not drink ANY alcohol or caffeine the day of treatment or 48 hrs after.
  • Use dry skin brushing daily to stimulate lymph movement (your Specialist will show you how to do this).
  • Do not have a hot shower (warm is okay).
  • Do not use a hot tub spa or sauna for 72 hours after treatment.
  • Exercise for at least 20 minutes after your treatment to stimulate lymph movement.
  • Add daily exercise to tighten skin and lose any extra weight.
  • Choose healthier, nutritious natural foods. Fat free, low starch, low sugar diet.
  • Avoid fatty high calorie foods and processed foods.
  • Avoid Alcohol.

Am I a good candidate?

Individuals who are in their ideal weight range are ideal candidates for Ultrasonic Cavitation. People looking for weight loss solutions should not try this method. It is best suited to remove stubborn fat from specific areas that diet and exercise can’t seem to get rid of.

Generally, a good candidate is someone who wants to permanently reduce fat without undergoing surgery’s downtime and risks.

It is important to note that while this procedure offer results, each individual will experience results differently. The best way to choose the right treatment for your body and desired results is to consult with our professional Body Contouring Specialist.

Who is not a candidate?

  • Individuals with conditions such as blood pressure, diabetes and cancer.
  • Individuals having metallic implants and/or cardiac pacemaker.
  • Anyone under the age of 18.
  • Pregnant Women.
  • Epileptic Individuals.
  • Individuals wearing insulin pump in the treatment area.

How long do the results last?

The results can be long-lasting provided you follow a healthy habit, good diet and exercise program. However it is very easy to deposit fat again into the tissues if one overeats, consumes too much alcohol, or doesn’t exercise. Ultimately the result may vary depending on the individual’s tissue structure, treatment area, age, metabolism, medication, and changes in hormones.

What are health benefits of Ultrasonic Cavitation?

  • Improved blood and lymphatic circulation due to fat reduction
  • Detoxification by removing toxins that are buried in the fat cells

Are there any side effects?

Due to the nature of this non-invasive procedure, side effects are rarely heard of. There can be some temporary side effects such as:

  • Temporary skin redness and irritation
  • Temporary increased body temperature
  • Temporary mild aches or pains
  • Increased thirst

Before & After Body Contouring:
